A Never-Ending-Asia Town I’ve been in Love with


There are so many things, I can’t forget in my life. Especially my experience in Yogyakarta. Special thanks to Mr. Hadi as chief of AAT, Mr. Jimmy as secretary of PSKP Padang, and also to Ms. May as our counselor. It can’t be happened without their support.

We went to Jogja with Ms. May and four of my friends. The first one is Jimmy. He is our coordinator chief in AAT Padang. He doesn’t talk to much – calm, quiet, and cool. But, he has so many great ideas in his mind.

The second one is Agus. He is a friendly person. He also has good leadership. The third is Winda. She has a good self confidence. However, she is careless. The last is Betria. She is almost like Jimmy. She only speaks important. That’s all about my friends.

Now, I’m going to talk about my experience.

On the first day, we came a little bit late than others participant. We were so surprised because all friends in AAT greeted us with a great applause. It was my first time to be greeted like that.

We took pictures and played a really fun game together. After that, Mr. Hadi explained about management of bursary in AAT that really helps us to manage the bursary.

Afterwards, Romo Handoko, MSC talked about how good attitude change our life. That was really important thing that I have learnt. Romo Handoko, MSC explained all the things very clear. I liked the way he explained. He is the best priest that I have ever known.

The last session for the first day performance from each secretariat. All secretariat prepared their performance really well. Even though we didn’t win the performance competition, we were still proud of our performance. All secretariats did a good job at that time.

On the second day, we played outbound together. That was really fun. There were so many funny things that I could not describe one by one. After the program had done, we went to Br. Agus, MTB’s place. We got so many things that we have to learn there. One of the things is discipline. We wouldn’t forget it.

The day after, we went to Prambanan temple. That was our first time to see such a big awesome building. We took so many pictures there. There were so many children wanted to take a picture with Jimmy. They thought that Jimmy is Japanese. Winda who was also there at that time said that Jimmy is Indonesian. That was really funny for me.

At night, we went to alun-alun. We rode a bicycle there, but the bicycle was made from a car. When we rode, the rain fell down over us. We had not finished it yet. However, because of the rain, we stopped and sheltered in a comfortable place. We had waited for the rain to stop for a long time. However, the rain was still falling down. Therefore , we decided to go home.

Although we were drenched and cold, that was really fun. On the next day, we went to Taman Sari, a garden of the Sultan Palace.

On the last day, we were picked up by a taxi. We were really reluctant to leave Jogja and all friends in Jogja. They treated us really well. We never forget about that.

Good bye Yogyakarta. Hope we will be back again to see you guys.


Daniel Yulindra
Staf Admin AAT Padang
*Daniel adalah salah satu relawan  AAT yang bertugas sebagai Staf Admin AAT Padang. Merupakan mahasiswa Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing (STBA) Prayoga Padang.
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