Pelatihan SIANAS AAT Padang

Pelatihan SIANAS AAT Padang

Berita AAT, Kabar
Oleh : Om Adhi AAT Sekretariat Padang menyelenggarakan pelatihan Sistem Informasi Anak Asuh (SIANAS) kepada para Penanggung Jawab (PJ) sekolah/komunitas se-Padang. Tujuan diadakannya pelatihan tersebut adalah agar para PJ bisa memanfaatkan SIANAS secara lebih efektif dan efisien guna menyampaikan data anak asuh, laporan belajar, bukti pembayaran SPP kepada pada Sahabat AAT/Donatur/Orang Tua Asuh. Acara yang berlangsung pada tanggal 4 November 2016 mulai pukul 13.00 – 17.00 WIB, dihadiri oleh seluruh wakil sekolah yang total berjumlah 11 sekolah. Turut hadir mendampingi pelatihan yaitu Sekretaris Umum PSKP Santu Yusuf Padang, Bpk. Jimmy Yaputra; Ibu Srimeilina Kandra; KSB Sekretariat AAT Padang, Agustinus Sapumaijat, Maria Tressia, Gozali Daniel Yuliandra, PK lama dan baru Padang: Olga, Wahyu, Orestre; Om Adhi dan Bang Eka Chandra dari Tim SIANAS AAT Pusat. Terpantau dengan baik antusiasme seluruh peserta aktif…
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A Never-Ending-Asia Town I’ve been in Love with

Kabar, Kisah Relawan
There are so many things, I can’t forget in my life. Especially my experience in Yogyakarta. Special thanks to Mr. Hadi as chief of AAT, Mr. Jimmy as secretary of PSKP Padang, and also to Ms. May as our counselor. It can’t be happened without their support. We went to Jogja with Ms. May and four of my friends. The first one is Jimmy. He is our coordinator chief in AAT Padang. He doesn’t talk to much – calm, quiet, and cool. But, he has so many great ideas in his mind. The second one is Agus. He is a friendly person. He also has good leadership. The third is Winda. She has a good self confidence. However, she is careless. The last is Betria. She is almost like Jimmy.…
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